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Fireworks Not Allowed!

This is our yearly reminder that fireworks are prohibited by HOA deed restrictions and are illegal per City of Round Rock ordinance.  

What about outside the city limits, you may ask? 

  • Just because Chandler Creek is outside the City limits does not mean it is legal to discharge fireworks. There is a 5,000-foot fireworks-free zone outside City limits in Williamson County.  All of Chandler Creek falls within the 5,000-foot-fireworks-free zone meaning fireworks are illegal in Chandler Creek.

From the City of Round Rock:  Use of possession of fireworks is a Class A misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $2,000.00.

Additionally, per Williamson County: The Williamson County Fire Marshal Special Operations Division would like to remind residents that fireworks are not legal in city limits and 5,000 feet outside of them.

It is also dangerous considering how hot and dry it has been these last few weeks.  Please keep the deed restrictions and local ordinance in mind this July 4th weekend as well as the first responders that would have to respond to reports of firework use and firework-related fires in our neighborhood.  Also, let's not make our Chandler Creek neighbors have to worry whether their yards and homes will stay safe from your "fun".

The image below shows that Chandler Creek falls into the fireworks-free zone.

Please click the image to learn more about the fireworks-free zone.

Landlords, please share this message with your tenants.

Be kind...leave the fireworks behind!


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