Attention Pickleball Players:
We want to remind you that while the HOA has added striping to the tennis courts for pickleball, the current nets are regulation tennis nets—not pickleball nets.
Please do not attempt to adjust the height, tension, or lacing of the nets.
Recently, someone cut the lacing on one of the nets, resulting in unnecessary service calls.
Remember, the tennis courts are under 24-hour video surveillance, and we monitor access via our electronic system.
We expect everyone to respect the court surfaces and equipment.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Important Parking Reminder:
We have installed "Private Property" signs at both ends of the HOA parking lot.
Please remember that all HOA property—including the parking lot, amenity center, pool, tennis courts, pavilion, playscape, and swings—is private and intended solely for the use and enjoyment of Chandler Creek HOA members and their guests.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
